The objects and purposes of The Philadelphia MG Club are to promote interest in motoring, foster and encourage a spirit of mutual interest and assistance in the acquisition and preservation of Morris Garage automobiles among owners. The Philadelphia MG Club is organized for pleasure and recreation and all of its activities are for these purposes.
The Philadelphia MG Club was founded in 1980 as a chapter of The American MGB Association and is now also affiliated with The North American MGB Register The American MGC Register, The North American MG A Register, The MG Owners Club and The MG Enthusiasts Club. (The last two being UK based clubs.)
The Philadelphia MG Club sponsors and/or participates in Car Shows, Tech Sessions, Road Rallies, and our Annual Octagonal Holiday Party in December. Along with the above activities, we have a monthly “GT” (“Get-Together”) at The Phil’s Tavern, Blue Bell, PA, where we have dinner, drink and swap stories and technical information about our MGs. The “GT” is held on the second Tuesday of every month meeting starting at 7:30pm. Please stop by and join us for an evening.
We publish a members newsletter, “The Nuffield News,” named for the MG Car Company founder, William Morris, later Lord Nuffield. In “The Nuffield News” is information about past events; the Club Activities; Calendar listing upcoming events throughout the region; the Club Classifieds containing MGs and parts for sale & wanted; interesting articles about MGs; and technical articles.
If you would like more information about The Philadelphia MG Club or have any questions, you can send an e-mail, call our President Lambert Liebel III at (484) 524-8321 or mail – 1366 Randy Drive, Pottstown, PA 19464
You can also check out our Facebook page if you would like. The link is found at the bottom of the page.
The Philadelphia MG Club Board of Directors
Founder | Steve Harding |
President | Lambert Liebel III |
Vice-President | Ryan Kubanoff |
Secretary | Michele Comly |
Treasurer | Kristi Liebel |
At Large | Sean Allen |
Jeffrey Detwiler | |
Steven Perlman | |
Newsletter | Lambert Liebel III |
Webmaster | Larry Macy Ph.D. |